Learning & Mastering ToolBook Instructor 7.1™ builds on the success of the 6.5 version by adding significant new content in the areas of CBT Essentials, The Actions System, and Connecting to Databases.

It still provides state-of-the-art training on today's premier Computer-Based Training (CBT) authoring environment - Instructor™ 7.1.   In depth yet easy to understand, Learning & Mastering ToolBook Instructor™ gives you 20+ hours of training on all aspects of using Instructor.  It is ideally suited for every developer from beginner to advanced.

Take the  Animated Tour

Professional Training on ToolBook Instructor 7.1 and Instructor 7.2™
Over 25 hours of in-depth training on all aspects of Instructor 7.1 and 7.2. Designed for both beginners and experienced developers, the CD provides thorough training on creating CBT, using OpenScript, publishing to the web, and much more. 
See the Course Outline Here

61 Show Me Demonstrations
As you learn about a particular Instructor 7.1 task, click the “Show Me” button to see a demonstration of the task being accomplished. You’ll watch “over the shoulder” of an expert performing the task with each step explained.
56 Let Me Try Simulations
When you’re ready to try your hand at a task, click the “Let Me Try” button to bring up a full simulation of Instructor 7.1. You’ll be prompted to perform a task based on the current training concept. Don’t worry if you make a mistake, that’s what it’s for!
107 OpenScript™ Tips
In addition to the two full training sections on OpenScript™, there are also numerous OpenScript tips throughout the training.  When learning about a particular subject, just click the OpenScript tips button to learn how OpenScript is related to that concept.
164 Expert Information Topics and Much More
Want to learn more about a topic? Click the “Expert Information” button. The training also tracks your progress, provides a full glossary, provides the ability to search out the training pages you need with Full Text Search, administers a Certification Exam, and more

This professional training course covers all aspects of ToolBook Instructor™ 7.1. You get over 25 hours of in-depth training on all aspects of Instructor 7.1 including CBT essentials, the Action System, OpenScript, connecting to databases, adding interactivity, and much more. You’ll learn how to deploy your application on the web as well as via traditional methods like CD-ROM.

Organized in easy-to-follow sections, the training is presented one concept at a time. You can “dig deeper” to learn more about the concept by accessing related Expert Information topics and OpenScript® Tips. Or watch a “Show Me” demonstration of how to accomplish a particular task. And if you like hands-on training, you’ll want to choose the “Let Me Try” option on many training pages, where you can try a task in the Instructor 7.1 environment with gentle feedback when you go down the wrong path.

After you have completed the training, you will want to keep it nearby as a reference. It offers a glossary, index of training pages and expert information, and personalized bookmarks. You can even use the full text search feature to display a list of training pages covering a desired concept.

Finally, you can use the statistics that the training keeps to prove to your boss that you have been working hard on learning this stuff! When you’re ready, you can take a Certification Exam and print out your certificate to prove that you have Learned and Mastered Instructor 7.1!

System Requirements

Learning & Mastering ToolBook Instructor 7.1 may run on any system that can run ToolBook. If you would like to open the training in Author mode to see how the training was created, you will need Instructor 7.1 or 7.2.

Availability & Pricing

Learning and Mastering ToolBook Instructor 7.1™ is available right now!

You can buy this directly from Platte Canyon worldwide
Call: 1-888-ToolBK-1 (1-888-866-5251) or 719-548-1110.
or use the  Platte Canyon Web Order Form  to place your order on-line!

The CBT is priced at $165 per CD.

This courseware was developed using Instructor, Progress Tracker™ and Plug-In Pro™.

User Comments

  • I also have effectively used the Learning & Mastery CD from Platte Canyon for my own learning.
  • The Learning & Mastering ToolBook Instructor CD's from Platte Canyon are very good. After spending the time going through the CD, a couple of days, you should be able to develop ToolBook apps. Plus, the CD was built with ToolBook, so you can open tbk file in Instructor and see how the course itself was built and works.
  • The Platte Canyon Learning & Mastering is probably the most interactive bit of multimedia training I've ever experienced. That is probably because they were in charge of the effort and controlled the schedule and budget AND knew the subject matter.
  • It is really both a good beginners guide to ToolBook, as well a very good source of inspiration & information for more experienced ToolBook users. I spent quite a bit of time with it, and I suspect that I'll keep returning to it for inspiration.
  • There seemed to be a lot of attention and detail in the tutorial and plenty of demonstrations and interactive experiences for the learner. Overall, we would say that this is a worthy investment. There is really nothing like it on the market and it is sure to become popular quickly.
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